Online Information Services
Instructor: Muh-Chyun Tang (TEL) 33662967

Dept. of Library and Information Science,
Taiwan University

Course description

For a discipline such as LIS, the study of the newest trends in online information service carries a special sense of urgency as it has rapidly become the main venues where information is consumed and exchanged. This class aims to introduce first and second year LIS students the latest development in online information services. It will explore theoretical and practical implications of Internet technologies on the provision and access of information. Issues related to electronic publishing, social media, and e-books will be discussed. Students will have first-hand experience in using, evaluating, and designing online information services.  The impacts of networked technology on scholarly communication and dissemination of knowledge will be also discussed.

Specifically, students will acquire a basic understanding of 
1. The production and marketing of information goods
2. The impact of digitization and electronic publishing on the provision of information
3. The new possibilities brought about by social media on information seeking and access
4. A framework to evaluate the value, effectiveness, and user experience of various emerging online information services.

Course Schedule

Week Topics Readings and assignments
Orientation/ introduction
Information and information access
Sign up delicious and  anobii
"Information science fiction" Howard White
Information rules: Ch. 1 The information Economy
Meet in Lab
Online Searching;
Google serach video tutorials
Topic analysis worksheet and Google search syntax
Google search quick reference
*Google search exercise
Scholarly communication; Invisible web;Google scholar and doi  framework/Open URL and Crossref
Comparing mulitple sources
Cognitive authority, Ch. 2, p. 13- 35

Meet in Lab; HTML editor; Kompozer and
Wikipedia editing demo;

The Internet Archive ;Alexa; 
The Long Tail Ch. 1, 2;
Sign up   GroupLen
Social media and collective filtering system Google search exercise due;

Long tail; cognitive surplus Wiki topic due
The Long Tail Ch. 3, 4, 5
The implications of digitalization on information organization;
(Weinberger, 2008), Ch. 1, The New Order of Order;
Wiki presentation Wiki report due
Sign up a Podcast
Meet in Lab; Mark-up languages;
Podcast RSS/XML TutorialXML tutorial
Digital Archive System Developer's Guide to XML: The Primer. Ch. 1-4
Meet in Lab
Podcast DIY; 
Audacity demo
Postcast demo
The Long Tail Ch. 7, 8
I Tunes RSS specifications
More podcast/audacity tutorials

Information economy and the marketing of information goods Information rules: Ch.2  Pricing Information;
Information service evaluation due;
Open access movement, creative commons, fair use and copy right
Potcast topic due
Self-archiving initiative by Stevan Harnad

The impact of digitalization on cultural publication: open access movement in scholarly publication; e-publishing; Massive Open Online CoursesBooks gone wild: the digital age reshapes literature;
Wu, K. (2013). Academic libraries inthe age of MOOCs.
The social and cognitive impacts of ubiquitous information access; Filter bubble Is Google making us stupid? (The Atlantic Monthly)
Is facebook making us lonely? (The Atlantic Monthly)
What Machine Can't do (The New York Times)

Final Exam
Meet in Lab: lab sessions for your final project

Podcast presentation Podcast project due
Assignments and Grading

1. Final exam  30%
2.  Homeworks (individual) 30%
    a.  Information services evaluation
    b. (Google search exercise)

3 . Group projects 40%
There will be two group projects, see detailed instructions below. 
On top of your group report, each member will turn in a half-page personal report that explain what you have learned and contributed in each group project.

    3.1 Wikimedia group project  10%
For the wiki project, students will form into group of 2 to 3 to create and edit an wiki entry for a core concept or theory on the class wikimedia site.  
This assignment will include the following components:
1. Creating an wiki entry on the class wikimedia site. Make sure you cite credible souces and provide extra links for users who
want to know more on the topic.
First post your topic on the class discussion forum to claim your topic, then write a 2 - 4 pages explanatory texts that explain the defination, origin, and history of the concept. All the information you include in the entry has to be attributable to reliable sources. You MUST make reference to as least one authoritative source such as "The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology," or "Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science". Also make sure you make proper citations to your source, see How to cite sources.
2. One page summary of your search strategies

3. Give a short (less than 5 minutes) talk on your entry. In your talk, focus less on the content than on the search strategies and references used in preparing the entry. 

    3.2 Podcasting group project  30%  (  example)
For the podcasting project, students will form into groups of 2 or 3 to conduct a team project that involves creating a podcasting service for a topic of your choice.
This assignment will include the following components:
1. A web page that includes:
a. An introduction (one to two paragraphs) that clearly states the aim and scope of the site.
b. At least two episodes of podcasts available to download, each about 5-10 minutes in length.
2. A written report that includes
a. 1-3 pages that explains the web site's
intended user communities and their information needs.
b . The XML codes for your RSS.
3. A presentation of the project to the class.
a . Demonstrate that a user will be able to subscribe to your podcast using one of the aggregations/RSS readers.
b. Play the MP3 files of your production.


(Kroski, 2008). Web 2.0 for librarians and information professionals. Neal-Schuman.
(Shapiro & Varian, 1999). Information rules. HBS Press.
(Anderson, 2006). The long tail. Hyperion Books.
(Weinberger, 2008). Everything is miscellaneous: the power of the new digital disorder. Holt.