本系於10月2日(三)下午4:00-5:00,邀請人機互動領域知名國際學者 Jeffery Bardzell 與 Shaowen Bardzell 至系上演講,分享由人文觀點探討人機互動研究之經驗。兩位講者目前均為美國印第安那大學資訊學院的教授(Indiana University School of Informatics)。 Jeffery Bardzell 同時是該校HCI/Design Program Chair。值得一提的是兩位講者都是人文背景訓練出身,投入人機互動研究的領域,2016年他們所共同發表 Humanistic HCI 並獲 ACM Interaction 雜誌選為當期封面故事,他們由人文觀點所提出人機互動與互動設計的豐富研究成果一直以來都獲得廣大關注。

本次特別邀請兩位學者在參與台灣人機互動研討會(TAICHI2019)之餘,到本系參與交流。以演講會的形式,與本系所同學分享他們的研究經驗。歡迎碩博士與大學部同學踴躍報名參加。10月2日(三)下午4:00-5:00 於編目教室舉行,請參加同學線上報名。
報名網址:https://my.ntu.edu.tw/actregister/sessionView.aspx?actID=20145106_02&sesID=2 (報名時間自即日起至10/1二17:00止)



Jeffrey Bardzell is Professor of Informatics and Director of HCI/Design in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University—Bloomington. He is a critical scholar of HCI and interaction design, blending philosophy and theory on the one hand with social science on the other. He is known for his work in aesthetic interaction, design criticism, user experience, virtual intimacy, critical design, creativity support, making, innovation, and research through design. He is co-editor of Critical Theory and Interaction Design (MIT Press, 2018) and co-author of Humanistic HCI (Morgan & Claypool, 2015). He is working on a monograph on design inquiry. Bardzell’s work has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing.

Shaowen Bardzell is Professor of Informatics at Indiana University School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering and a core faculty member in the HCID (Human Computer Interaction Design) program. She was originally trained in Comparative Literature, and she approaches Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in ways that reflect her humanist background, situating her work in the intersection of HCI, Gender Studies, Science and Technology Studies, and Internet and Media Studies.

文章分類: 消息公告